snack suggestions

Desk Friendly Fruit Deliveries for the Office

Desk Friendly Fruit Deliveries for the Office

I love fruit.

I love fruit even more when it’s in plentiful supply, and it’s free.

That’s probably why I love where I work, at Office Pantry’s HQ, because we have free fruit boxes.

Free fruit is the best office perk I can think of – it’s simply awesome.

But why do I love it?

Snacking tips for work

Snacking tips for work

Snacking tips for work

Have you got a lot on your plate at work, and really want to crack down? What can make you more productive today? There has been a lot of contradicting research over whether eating snacks in-between meals is good for your work, or has negative side-effects for your health.

Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food - Hippocrates

Here we look at the different types of snacking and find out whether any of them will help you in your working day. So first of all, why do we snack?