How to make best use of your open-plan office

How to make best use of your open-plan office


Did you know that a study in 2014 found out that employees who work in an open-plan space took 70% more sick days than people who worked from home?

This is one of many studies that have been conducted recently that show the negative effects of open plan offices. This is alarming because 70% of offices in the US are open plan, and that number is uniform in the UK.

Whether or not open-plan offices are better than closed-space ones, the fact is that the layout of your office is probably there to stay.

Workplace Wellbeing – 4 changes to instantly take control

Workplace Wellbeing – 4 changes to instantly take control

When I was looking this morning at how to improve my wellbeing at work, almost everything I saw was aimed at employers. Nothing was for me, and how I can improve my life.

Every workplace is different, which is out of your control. You don’t have much of a say in how your workplace looks, or how it feels – these are in your employer’s control. What’s scary is that all of this affects your wellbeing within the workplace.

However, there are simple, instant changes that you can make, as an individual, to improve your own workplace wellbeing.